The following code is this component's initial HTML structure. Remember you can change this structure any time by using the template()
component built-in function .
Copy const choices = this . props . choices .map ((choice) => {
if ( typeof choice .Clickable === 'function' ) {
return new Promise ((resolve , reject) => {
this . engine .assertAsync ( choice .Clickable , this .engine) .then (() => {
resolve (`<button data-do="${choice.Do}" ${ choice.Class ? `class="${choice.Class}"`: ''} data-choice="${choice._key}">${choice.Text}</button>`);
}) .catch (() => {
resolve (`<button data-do="${choice.Do}" ${ choice.Class ? `class="${choice.Class}"`: ''} data-choice="${choice._key}" disabled>${choice.Text}</button>`);
return Promise.resolve (`<button data-do="${choice.Do}" ${ choice.Class ? `class="${choice.Class}"`: ''} data-choice="${choice._key}">${choice.Text}</button>`);
return Promise .all (choices) .then ((choices) => `
<div data-content="wrapper">
${ choices .join ( '' ) }
` );