Show Particles

Show a particle system animation


'show particles <particles_id>'

The particles action let's you show amazing animations using particle systems. A particle system is useful when you want to add dynamic elements such as snow, stars, rain etc. and can be an awesome addition for your game!

To hide the particle systems, read the Hide Particles documentation.

Action ID: Particles

Reversible: Yes

Requires User Interaction: No



To use a particle system, you must first declare it with all of it's characteristics. To do so, the particles action has a configuration function where you can define your id for each particle system and their configuration on a JSON Object.

Monogatari.action ('Particles').particles ({
    '<particles_id>': ParticlesJSONObject

This action uses the Particles.js library, reading their documentation you can find more information about it and also more information on how to create a custom particle system.


Here are some examples that may be useful and also provide a good start point:

	'snow': {
		'particles': {
			'number': {
				'value': 400,
				'density': {
					'enable': true,
					'value_area': 800
			'color': {
				'value': '#fff'
			'shape': {
				'type': 'circle',
				'stroke': {
					'width': 0,
					'color': '#000000'
				'polygon': {
					'nb_sides': 5
				'image': {
					'src': 'img\/github.svg',
					'width': 100,
					'height': 100
			'opacity': {
				'value': 0.5,
				'random': true,
				'anim': {
					'enable': false,
					'speed': 1,
					'opacity_min': 0.1,
					'sync': false
			'size': {
				'value': 10,
				'random': true,
				'anim': {
					'enable': false,
					'speed': 40,
					'size_min': 0.1,
					'sync': false
			'line_linked': {
				'enable': false,
				'distance': 500,
				'color': '#ffffff',
				'opacity': 0.4,
				'width': 2
			'move': {
				'enable': true,
				'speed': 6,
				'direction': 'bottom',
				'random': false,
				'straight': false,
				'out_mode': 'out',
				'bounce': false,
				'attract': {
					'enable': false,
					'rotateX': 600,
					'rotateY': 1200
		'interactivity': {
			'detect_on': 'canvas',
			'events': {
				'onhover': {
					'enable': true,
					'mode': 'bubble'
				'onclick': {
					'enable': true,
					'mode': 'repulse'
				'resize': true
			'modes': {
				'grab': {
					'distance': 400,
					'line_linked': {
						'opacity': 0.5
				'bubble': {
					'distance': 400,
					'size': 4,
					'duration': 0.3,
					'opacity': 1,
					'speed': 3
				'repulse': {
					'distance': 200,
					'duration': 0.4
				'push': {
					'particles_nb': 4
				'remove': {
					'particles_nb': 2
		'retina_detect': true

You can also play with the Particles.js interactive tool to create your own particle systems.


For this examples, we'll assume you've used one of the sample configurations provided. Showing a particle system is as simple as:

Monogatari.script ({
    'Start': [
        'show particles snow',

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