The storage is an object in which we can put everything we want to save when a player saves the game.
We have to create a property where the player can store his data in it. So in storage.js we start with...
var storage = { player: { // add property name:""// add placeholder }}// Syntaxvar storage = { // object property1: { // property of object placeholder1:0,// integer of property placeholder2:""// string of property }}
If we now want to get the name after saving one in there, this would look like this in the script.js. ="Monogatari"; // example for saving a name"{{}} is a visual novel engine."// example for display the name
To offer more possibilities in the game and to have a simpler overview in the storage file, you can create as many properties as you want, just make sure to use a comma before adding a property. Here is an example...
{"Input": { // call input statement"Text":"What is your name?",// show text of the input box"Validation":function(input) { returninput.trim().length>0; },// validation rule for the value"Save":function(input) { // call save statement and start a = input; // store the value in the variable namestorage.player_info.age =18; // store 18 in the variable age },}},function (){ ="Georg"; // save "Georg" in variable name (overwrite old value)storage.player_stats.hp -=50; // decrease hp minus +=250; // add 250 gold},"{{}} is {{player_info.age}} years old.",// call name = "Georg" and age = 18"{{}} costs the ability 'Fire Storm'.",// call mp = "100""{{}}g is in his bag of gold."// call gold = 1250
If you want to see an example of the stat system (created with storage.js), click me.