The show statement is used to show a character or an Image. The syntax is as follows:
In case of characters: "show [Character Identifier] [Image Key] [position] with [Animation]"
In case of Images: "show [Image Identifier or File] [position] with [Animation]"
Every position is a CSS class, so you can declare your own! The ones available by default are: center, left and right. Take a look at more css classes in the "Designing my Game" section, you can also declare your own.
Showing Characters
Remember every character image must be declared in the character.
The animation is completely optional, and if a position is not given, it will show in the center by default.
To hide a character, you only need the "hide" command. Syntax: "hide [Character Identifier] with [Animation]"
You can also hide them with one of the exit animations available.
All Characters images must be inside the characters subdirectory of img.
Showing Images
In case of images, they can be declared to use an identifier or you can also use the file's name. The root directory for images will always be img.
To hide this images, you'll use the hide command as well.
You can use the same animations and positions when showing characters or images.
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