
Learn about characters, their properties and how to create them!


Characters are probably one of the most important parts of your novel, not only used for displaying them as sprites but also to display their dialogs.


The following table lists all the properties you can set for each character.


Declaring characters is really simple.

First, you need to define an identifier. This is what you'll use for the dialog and show character actions.

We'll choose the identifier y, short for Yui in this tutorial.

monogatari.characters ({
    'y': {


Do you have more than one character? No problem! You can define as many characters as you want, just make sure that each character has a unique identifier.

monogatari.characters ({
    'y': {

    'm': {


We've come up with our identifiers and they point to an empty object. Inside this object is where we'll define each of the properties we need for each character.

Name and Color

The most basic properties are the name and color for our characters. The name will appear in the textbox every time the character speaks and the color specifies what color that name will be.

monogatari.characters ({
    'y': {
        name: 'Yui',
        color: '#00bfff'

Character Sprites

Since we are building visual novels, chances are we also need images for our characters.

All your character's sprites should be placed in your assets/characters directory, let's see what that looks like.

1. Enter the assets directory

2. Enter the characters directory

3. Place all your sprite images

4. Declare your assets

Now that we have all our sprites in our assets directory, we need to declare them so monogatari knows about them. To do so, we'll use the sprites property of our character:

monogatari.characters ({
    'y': {
        name: 'Yui',
        color: '#00bfff', 
        sprites: {
            angry: 'normal.png',
            happy: 'happy.png',
            normal: 'normal.png',
            sad: 'sad.png',
            surprised: 'surprised.png'

Notice how for each sprite we assigned two things:

  1. A key or identifier which is the way we'll refer to that specific sprite.

  2. The name of the file.

identifier: ''

Both items are independent of each other so while in the last example we used identifiers similar to the file names, we could have chosen any identifier, the following would be perfectly valid for example:

 someKey: 'normal.png'
 happy: 'my_file_name.png'

To learn how to show a character sprite, go over to the Show Character action.

Custom Sub-directory

In the Character Sprites section we added all of our character sprite images into the assets/characters directory. This approach is pretty straight forward but can become a bit troublesome as you add more characters. For starters, the directory could start feeling cluttered and you would not be able to use the same name on different files without them getting overwritten.

A solution for this issue is to have a different directory for each character where we'll place all the assets for that character alone. This is achieved by specifying the directory property in your character declaration. This property expects the name of a sub-directory inside the assets/characters directory. For example, if you create a sub-directory assets/characters/my-character then you should set the directory property to 'my-character'. Let's take a look at the whole process:

1. Create your sub-directory

2. Place all your character assets in that sub-directory

3. Set the directory property in your declaration

Now that we've created the sub-directory and placed all our assets for a specific character in it, then we must specify the directory property in our character so monogatari knows where the files are located.

monogatari.characters ({
    'y': {
        name: 'Yui',
        color: '#00bfff',
        directory: 'yui', 
        sprites: {
            angry: 'normal.png',
            happy: 'happy.png',
            normal: 'normal.png',
            sad: 'sad.png',
            surprised: 'surprised.png'

Expressions / Side Images

It is also possible to define side images or expressions to show on the textbox when your character speaks.

1. Add your expression images to your assets

For this example we'll add all our expressions in their own directory. This is not required though and you can place them right where your character's sprites are.

Now that we've created our expressions sub-directory, we'll place all our expression images in it.

2. Add the expressions to your declaration

Now that we've added our files, we need to define them in our character declaration by defining the expressions property. Just like the sprites property, it expects an identifier/filename list.

monogatari.characters ({
    'y': {
        name: 'Yui',
        color: '#00bfff',
        directory: 'yui', 
        sprites: {
            angry: 'normal.png',
            happy: 'happy.png',
            normal: 'normal.png',
            sad: 'sad.png',
            surprised: 'surprised.png'
        expressions: {
            angry: 'expressions/normal.png',
            happy: 'expressions/happy.png',
            normal: 'expressions/normal.png',
            sad: 'expressions/sad.png',
            surprised: 'expressions/surprised.png'

Notice how we added the expressions/ prefix to all of the file names to account for the expressions directory we put the files in. If we hadn't done that and we had placed them right with our sprites, the prefix would not be needed but we would have to change the names of the files so that they don't overlap with the sprites ones.

To learn how to show this expressions in a dialog, go over the Dialog action.

Default Expression

It is also possible to define a default side image / expression for your character. This default one will be shown for all of your character's dialogs that do not specify any other expression.

The default_expression property expects the identifier of one of your expressions as its value. Previously we defined the normal expression for our character:

normal: 'expressions/normal.png'

If we wanted to make that one the default expression, then we'd need to set the default_expression property to normal:

monogatari.characters ({
    'y': {
        name: 'Yui',
        color: '#00bfff',
        directory: 'yui', 
        sprites: {
            angry: 'normal.png',
            happy: 'happy.png',
            normal: 'normal.png',
            sad: 'sad.png',
            surprised: 'surprised.png'
        expressions: {
            angry: 'expressions/normal.png',
            happy: 'expressions/happy.png',
            normal: 'expressions/normal.png',
            sad: 'expressions/sad.png',
            surprised: 'expressions/surprised.png'
        default_expression: 'normal'

NVL Mode

By default, characters will speak in adv mode. In ADV mode, the textbox appears in the bottom of the screen and only displays a dialog at a time. NVL mode will make the textbox cover the whole screen and will display several dialogs in a log format.

The nvl property accepts a boolean value (true or false) and is set to false by default. Setting it to true will make all of the character's dialogs to be shown in nvl mode.

monogatari.characters ({
    'y': {
        name: 'Yui',
        color: '#00bfff',
        directory: 'yui', 
        sprites: {
            angry: 'normal.png',
            happy: 'happy.png',
            normal: 'normal.png',
            sad: 'sad.png',
            surprised: 'surprised.png'
        expressions: {
            angry: 'expressions/normal.png',
            happy: 'expressions/happy.png',
            normal: 'expressions/normal.png',
            sad: 'expressions/sad.png',
            surprised: 'expressions/surprised.png'
        default_expression: 'normal',
        nvl: true

If you want to learn more about the different dialog modes, check the Dialog action and the Text Box component.

Typewrite Animation

Monogatari allows you to disable the typewrite animation for your game from your game's settings, however, some times you only want to disable the animation for a specific character.

The type_animation property accepts a boolean value (true or false) and is set to true by default. Setting it to false will disable the animation for all of that character's dialogs.

monogatari.characters ({
    'y': {
        name: 'Yui',
        color: '#00bfff',
        directory: 'yui', 
        sprites: {
            angry: 'normal.png',
            happy: 'happy.png',
            normal: 'normal.png',
            sad: 'sad.png',
            surprised: 'surprised.png'
        expressions: {
            angry: 'expressions/normal.png',
            happy: 'expressions/happy.png',
            normal: 'expressions/normal.png',
            sad: 'expressions/sad.png',
            surprised: 'expressions/surprised.png'
        default_expression: 'normal',
        nvl: true,
        type_animation: false

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