
This release is mainly just to change some assets directories naming so that they are consistent.

Download: https://datadyne.perfectdark.space/monogatari/releases/Monogatari-v2.0.0.alpha.7.zip

Change Log

  • Some assets directories have been renamed to ensure their names are consistent.

Update Guide

This guide only applies for games that were written using the 2.0.0.alpha.3 version or above.

Rename your Assets Directories and declarations

The following three assets directories have been renamed to a pluralized version to be consistent with the others so you'll have to rename them as well.

Now, go to the options.js file and find your assets directories declarations, they should look something like this:

'AssetsPath': {
    'root': 'assets',
    'characters': 'characters',
    'icons': 'icons',
    'images': 'images',
    'music': 'music',
    'scenes': 'scenes',
    'sound': 'sound',
    'ui': 'ui',
    'video': 'video',
    'voice': 'voice',

You'll have to apply the same naming changes as before, the resulting object would then be:

'AssetsPath': {
    'root': 'assets',
    'characters': 'characters',
    'icons': 'icons',
    'images': 'images',
    'music': 'music',
    'scenes': 'scenes',
    'sounds': 'sounds',
    'ui': 'ui',
    'videos': 'videos',
    'voices': 'voices',
    'gallery': 'gallery'

Notice how videos, voices and sounds are now pluralized.

Finally, the assets declaration for those three asset types also need to be changed:


// Define the voice files used in the game.
monogatari.assets ('voice', {


// Define the sounds used in the game.
monogatari.assets ('sound', {


// Define the videos used in the game.
monogatari.assets ('video', {



// Define the voice files used in the game.
monogatari.assets ('voices', {


// Define the sounds used in the game.
monogatari.assets ('sounds', {


// Define the videos used in the game.
monogatari.assets ('videos', {


Last updated