Asset Preloading

When releasing your game online, the asset loading is one of the most important issues to be solved, it must be nice enough so that people can enjoy playing your game online even on slow connections and that's why since v1.3.2 Asset Preloading is built in right in the engine.

Built In Preloading

The asset preloading will show a progress bar when you enter the game, the entire preloading can be disabled using the Preload property in the options.js:

This property default value is true meaning it will show the Preload Screen and do all the Asset Preloading

'Preload': true

To skip it, just change the value to false but remember that every asset will be loaded when you use it and may make a poor experience for users on slow connections.

'Preload': false

Service Workers Cache

One of the benefits the Service Workers in Monogatari provide is the use of the Cache to serve your files even when offline once they've been loaded, this means that instead of taking the asset from the network, Monogatari will first check if the asset has been loaded in the cache, if it has then it will immediately load it from there but still making a network request to update the asset in the cache.

This means the users will see the asset load instantly and will still receive the updates you make. More details about this strategy are available here and here.

This functionality is inside the service-worker.js file. There you'll need to take notice of the three properties: name, version.

The name and version properties are used to control the cache of your game, change the name to your game's name, with no spaces or special characters and the version property as a control.

// The name of your game, no spaces or special characters.
const name = 'Monogatari';

// The version of the cache, changing this will force everything to be cached
// again.
const version = '0.1.0';

What does using the version as a control means? changing the version will force all the assets to re-cache, useful specially when you make significant changes to them but remember that the cache strategy used will update your files eventually without the need of changing this version. Also the version does not need to be changed when removing/adding files to the cache. Most of the times you won't need to change it at all.

This makes part of the effort to transform Monogatari games deployed online into full Progressive Web Apps which provides a lot of benefits. You can read more about what you need to do and what that means for your players in the Web Deployment Section

Use of Service Workers can also be disabled from the options.js file using the 'ServiceWorkers' property.

This property default value is true meaning it will make use of Service Workers to cache your assets, Service Workers may be used for other activities in the future as well, disabling this option will disable them all.

'ServiceWorkers': true

To disable it, just change it to false but remember that every asset will be loaded when you use it and may make a poor experience for users on slow connections.

'ServiceWorkers': false

It's important to note that Service Workers are only available through HTTP or HTTPS protocols, meaning they will only be available when serving your game through a server. If you just open the files on the browser, you'll see an URL that starts with file:// and then in the console you'll find an error that says:

Failed to register a ServiceWorker: The URL protocol of the current origin ('null') is not supported.

Or, if using a newer Monogatari version, a warning that says:

Service Workers are available only when serving your files through a server, once you upload your game this warning will go away. You can also try using a simple server like this one for development: Web Server for Chrome.``

Either way is completely normal, as soon as you upload your game online to make it playable, that message will go away on it's own.

Last updated

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