Stop Voice


'stop voice [voice_id] [with [properties]]'

The stop voice action will let you stop either all voices currently playing or only one in specific. To learn more about voices, read the Play Voice documentation.

Action ID: Voice::Stop

Reversible: Yes

Requires User Interaction: No



The following is a comprehensive list of the properties available for you to modify certain behaviors of the stop voice action.


Stop a specific Voice

The following will stop a specific voice, identified by it's name.

Monogatari.script ({
    'Start': [
        'play voice dialog_002 with loop',
        'The previous voice will be repeating itself over and over',
        'play voice dialog_001',
        'Two voices are currently playing',
        'stop voice dialog_002',
        'Now the first one has stopped and the second one will stop as soon as it ends',

Stop all Voices

The following will stop all sounds currently playing.

Monogatari.script ({
    'Start': [
        'play voice dialog_002 with loop',
        'The previous voice will be repeating itself over and over',
        'play voice dialog_001',
        'Two voices are currently playing',
        'stop voice',
        'No voice is playing now',

Fade Out Effect

The following will stop the voice, and will use a fade out effect to do so. You can also use a fade out effect when stopping all voices.

Monogatari.script ({
    'Start': [
        'play voice dialog_002 with loop',
        'The previous voice will be repeating itself over and over',
        'play voice dialog_001',
        'Two voices are currently playing',
        'stop voice dialog_002 with fade 12',
        'Now the first will be slowly stopped and the second one will stop as soon as it ends',

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